Visual Enhancement

RMS uses 2x, 4x and & 7x stereoscopes to analyze stereo pairs of aerial photographs and two software packages to integrate key images with information from Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Aerial photograph images can be scanned and georeferenced to relate historical land use to current sites being investigated for disposal of hazardous materials. Georeferencing involves selecting points on an uncorrected image and the same points on an image where all locations are known, then correcting the location of all features on the uncorrected image using the selected points as control. The image registration is accomplished using image processing software. RMS uses three methods to produce three dimensional images.

  1. Two projectors and polarized glasses are used to view on a screen images from aerial photograph transparencies,
  2. PCI Fly software uses a digital elevation model (DEM) and an image to simulate flying over terrain and viewing landscapes
  3. GIS software to build a triangulated irregular network (TIN) over which an image is draped and software is used to simulate direction and level of light intensity.
The results from traditional aerial photograph interpretation can be enhanced and illustrated with these software packages to support hearings, trials and arbitrations.

Stereo Projection System

The Stereo Projection System (SPS) is a versatile, portable visualization system for projecting three dimensional images on a screen for multiple viewers. It was initially developed by RMS, Inc. to support aerial photograph interpretation and expert witnessing for land use litigation. Additional uses include public meeting presentations, special effects for nature and panoramic presentations, instruction in aerial photograph interpretation and for teaching consistency among a team of photo interpreters working on a large land use or natural resource inventory project.

The system consists of two Vivitar 35 mm slide projectors mounted in a suitcase-like box with projection holes cut through the side and fitted with light polarizing filters. Glasses with polarized lenses are used for viewing images on a lenticular silvered screen.

The two projectors enable the user to project slides of photographic transparencies, map transparencies or text. Slides for stereo viewing are produced by cutting similar image areas, approximately one inch square, from a stereo pair of film diapositives and mounting them in 35 mm slide holders. These photo images could be taken from the ground, a light plane or helicopter for oblique views or from conventional aerial photographs for a plan or overhead view.

The pair of stereoscopic images are projected on the screen and superimposed as close as possible over one another; the better the superimposition, the easier it is for the viewers to see the stereoscopic images. The light polarizing filters in the box and the similarly light polarizing lenses in the glasses force the left eye to see only what is projected through the left projector lens and the right eye to see only what is projected through the right projector lens. The result is a screen image with a high level of resolution and a dramatic, accentuated third dimension. The light polarizing filters and glasses accomplish the same function as a stereoscope with the added bonus of allowing multiple viewers to see the same images at the same time.

The system is portable, can accept a wide variety of media and information, easy to prepare materials for and simple to set up and operate.